The year ended with friends and more friends. I guess at the end of every year, every season, every life, you think of those dearest to you. We reflect on our life and long for what we love. Many times along life we just tend to forget what matters most. I'm sure you've heard this many times, but isn't it ironic that we treat the ones we love with contempt? And our arrogance far too big, sometimes, for us to mend back what would matter most. And we let it slip away. Or we refuse to mend our relationships and our ways.
My year ended with hanging out with friends (at my home on Winne's birthday); into the wee hours of the night at aunty Jo's place (playing games like ginrami, taboo and boggle) that same night; and at the Pang's residence after the watchnight service right into the early morning of the New Year.
One may wonder if we'll ever get sick of seeing each other. I guess not.
Oh, I have absolutely no pictures of these events.
Pics update:
Feb 6th, 2008 update:
Honestly, since I took forever to update December's blog. i've forgotten half the events that took place this month. It was such a busy month I almost had no time to do anything else. Of course, this spilled over to the entire month of January 2008 as well.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Sunday, December 30, 2007
This is a month of weddings, tying knots, starting a new life. I had three to attend. So for those who don't know, here's me announcing that the below people are MARRIED.
Rejina Premkumar
She looked lovely in her extra long veil as she walked down the aisle. Unfortunately I do not have pictures of the bride and groom. The dinner was packed and a little unorganized if I must say so. Save for the awesome band playing, the rest of the dinner was nothing out of the ordinary. However, Elaine found a way to entertain herself:

Irwin Lo
I travelled all the way to Subang to witness and participate in his fancy wedding dinner in one the most beautiful and elegant ballroom I've ever seen. The picture on the left is the entrance to the walkway that leads to the ballroom. This was taken by a camera phone. The wedding itself was unique in its program and presentations. The song by Irwin, the ice breaker *ahem* and erm.. competition? Ideas I could use in the future *wink*
And of course, here we have a mini ICFers reunion. It's been so long. As awkward as Alice's ice breaker (or main program as she claims) was, it was practical to update each other's status. Phew! I was last and it never reached my turn. But that's that.
Ong Li Lian
And closer to home, here's another wedding I attended. I had to bring my grandma as well and I thank God I wasn't there alone. I met a long lost friend who has quite a companion throughout the dinner - a dinner who might have otherwise been dull and lonely. My strong believe about friendship's responsibility and loyalty has driven me to be there in such an occasion. After all, let us not forget the golden rule.
Oh and here's Li Lin who looks absolutely fab! Really.
Rejina Premkumar
She looked lovely in her extra long veil as she walked down the aisle. Unfortunately I do not have pictures of the bride and groom. The dinner was packed and a little unorganized if I must say so. Save for the awesome band playing, the rest of the dinner was nothing out of the ordinary. However, Elaine found a way to entertain herself:

Irwin Lo
I travelled all the way to Subang to witness and participate in his fancy wedding dinner in one the most beautiful and elegant ballroom I've ever seen. The picture on the left is the entrance to the walkway that leads to the ballroom. This was taken by a camera phone. The wedding itself was unique in its program and presentations. The song by Irwin, the ice breaker *ahem* and erm.. competition? Ideas I could use in the future *wink*
Ong Li Lian
And closer to home, here's another wedding I attended. I had to bring my grandma as well and I thank God I wasn't there alone. I met a long lost friend who has quite a companion throughout the dinner - a dinner who might have otherwise been dull and lonely. My strong believe about friendship's responsibility and loyalty has driven me to be there in such an occasion. After all, let us not forget the golden rule.

Friday, December 28, 2007
Dad's 50th Birthday
Mummy and daddy are 50 this year.
Was I not supposed to announce this?
It's suppose to be big but daddy doesn't like big crowds or big hoo-hahs like what we would have preferred to plan. But like me ( I guess) the best kinda celebrations are those with close family and friends. That's good enough.
So we went to a place we felt would be different from dad's ordinary. I mean we only get to live this life once and why not enjoy all that it has to offer? So we brought daddy to Euro Deli:- world of pork

What holds a family together? Blood, responsibility, love? What drives apart? Selfish ambitions, jealousy, greed? Let us make sure that which pulls us together will always be stronger than that which drives us apart. Cos at the end of the day, families does matter. It's part of your identity - of who you are. You can't get rid of that.
Thursday, December 27, 2007
Lack of Snooze
Symptoms of lack of sleep
Anne's version:
(anything less than 7hrs is TOO little)
- uncordinated body movements
- which leads to physical harm / injuries
- constant clouded feeling or headache
- muscle ache and in exhaustion and/or easily chilled
- inability to think as sharply or alertly. ideas and creativity are slow to come.
- no mood
- prone to sickness...
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
Christmas Eve
The day before Christmas, and I'm found in a crowded house, trying to socialize and just survive the crowd. LOL. At times like these, I'm not sure if I prefer to be found in a suffocating crowd or alone at home. Guess you can't have the best of both worlds all the time. At times, you need to just learn to balance, do the right thing, play your part. Cos your feelings don't count. Anyway, we got home later that night to watch the countdown on the TV. For the first time in a loooooong while we actually have "presents under the tree". but the excitement of ripping those open have long lost it's attraction. So the night was spent doing what I do every christmas eve till the wee hours - wrap presents.

The abode of Aunty Cherry Yeoh-Tan.(beautiful tree is being blocked)
Christmas Day
We had our usual Christmas service and gift exchange tradition. As I've expressed before, as awesome as the tradition is, it sometimes is a little too overwhelming. I guess all kinds of thing comes with position. Sigh. It took me a week to open these up. Partially did not bother. ;P so bad of me.

But towards the night, we did not want to waste the "season of joy" or "season of family and friends". So my hero sister was in a party mood and invited the gang over to hang out and do silly things. Joseph brought pizza, su-ann brought some pasta, KinFei and david brought dessert wine, Fer brought some cake... that's as far as my memory goes. As usual, i did not take pictures - depending on people who did and agonizing over forever not getting them pictures.
So until the pictures come, here's a short video (penalty of a childish game we were playing). LOL. With the permission of the one on the video, of course. Taken with a camera phone (thus, the poor quality)
Being young and all that, of course the hanging out takes the highlight.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Aspirers Christmas Party
This year a huge bunch of youth had our yearly christmas party in MY house. The noise was loud enough to wake all my neighbours and tear down my humble abode. But it brings the young together. Social. There were people I don't know. Very much younger and very much on the older side as well. Food was abundant yet slightly short.
I'm not a big fan of big social parties personally, but this might be healthy for the youth every now and then. Coupled with activities that forces people to participate and mix. After all, this is the generation that no longer knows how to socialize in real life with all the virtual community around us. People talk better virtually then face to face. Of course, everything has it's pros and cons, ups and downs. And this is not the time to start another topic on that.
I'm so glad that our young are responsible enough to not break the vase, or short circuit the television or smash a chair to bits, or spill drink all over the floor (although some sort of mess did take place) like what i've observed on American TV. So I can thank God for that. My house still stands after.
Anyway... the best way to explain an event is through the eyes of a lens.
(however, pics will be delayed until further notice)
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Christmas Shopping
Christmas is nearly here!! *stressed* Though it's exciting and all to have Christmas so close by but the thought of shopping for THAT many presents and wrapping then always gives me un-needed stress. However, this is the culture that I've been dipped in and there's no getting out of it. So there. Every year it is. Need to learn to beat the system. *wink* Learn from the experts.
Thank God for a holiday break to do just that. My inconsistent and much distracted shopping partners. -.-" As you can see for yourself.

One Utama was unbelievably crowded and I guess this last minute shopping was on everyone else's mind. It wasn't the best time or place to shop but I guess I did not have any other choice.
I'm very uncomfortable with large crowds. Crowd-phobic.
I did managed to finish almost all my present shopping needs. =) For once I spent time buying individual gifts for my family and friends. I guess it means more to customize gifts.
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
The Beatitudes
We just had the Beatitudes as our Inspire Session for Aspirers recently where we learn that God treasures a beautiful attitude. Ultimately it's obedience to Him and developing a good and right attitude - one that will please the Master.
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven,
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted,
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth,
Blessed are those who thirst and hunger after righteousness, for they shall be filled,
Blessed are merciful, for they shall receive mercy,
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God,
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God,
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted,
Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth,
Blessed are those who thirst and hunger after righteousness, for they shall be filled,
Blessed are merciful, for they shall receive mercy,
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God,
Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons of God,
Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
(Matthew 5:3-11)
These are the standards of Christian living. Have you ever sought to live by them?
There's so much wealth and depth in the Word of God. Many times we read and don't quite understand but when we learn about it, we begin to see things we've never seen before. And when we open our hearts to receive and apply it in our lives, God's word become a reality in our lives. And then 'we shall see God'.
Don't you want to?
Monday, December 17, 2007
Christmas Musical 2007
From Heaven's throne, I bring a word of blessing...
The nativity story told from the eyes of angels in heaven.
Every little detail were looked into to ensure a spectacular and majestic experience told in a simple manner. From the little stars that covered our ceiling, to the glorious sight in "heaven" where all of us sparkled, to the humble manger scene on "earth". After looking at the pictures taken, I agree that heavens and angels above really did looked majestic. oOoo...
This year, everyone worked very hard. For some reason, it was harder than years before: emotionally draining, mentally frustrating, physically exhausting (with half the cast and crew falling sick one after another), spiritually challenging. But we persevere cos our cause was greater than our circumstances. God is faithful! He saw us through and much more. I believe that God worked in us as a church in many unseen ways. Hey, remember, even the history of nations is in His hands. He works behind the scenes!
The choir and dancers doubled as angels (without the halo). hahah. how cool!
The video below was one of our songs. It's one of the more happening songs. I had a small solo part here. Hahah.
The nativity story told from the eyes of angels in heaven.
Every little detail were looked into to ensure a spectacular and majestic experience told in a simple manner. From the little stars that covered our ceiling, to the glorious sight in "heaven" where all of us sparkled, to the humble manger scene on "earth". After looking at the pictures taken, I agree that heavens and angels above really did looked majestic. oOoo...
This year, everyone worked very hard. For some reason, it was harder than years before: emotionally draining, mentally frustrating, physically exhausting (with half the cast and crew falling sick one after another), spiritually challenging. But we persevere cos our cause was greater than our circumstances. God is faithful! He saw us through and much more. I believe that God worked in us as a church in many unseen ways. Hey, remember, even the history of nations is in His hands. He works behind the scenes!
The choir and dancers doubled as angels (without the halo). hahah. how cool!
The video below was one of our songs. It's one of the more happening songs. I had a small solo part here. Hahah.
I wanted to do a compilation of all the pictures of the event but it's just too many and far too much work. Thinking that I already need to compile it for Agapeline, I think I'll just give you my photo album link. For some glimpses of the 3 nights events, click here.
But as they say, there's nothing like experiencing it for yourself!

But as they say, there's nothing like experiencing it for yourself!

Monday, December 10, 2007
Trip to Megamall
I decided to take some of the after SPM-er girls up to KL to shop. So off we went in my new MyVi, and headed to the nearest shopping mall I knew how to get to - Midvalley Megamall.
The festive season was in the air and the decorations were spectacular. and the atmosphere was almost mystical - as it's theme is "fairies" or somthing like that. However, it bothered me that Christmas is associated with Fairies. How did that happen? There is absolutely no connection. Christmas has become some sort of holiday season where anything mystical and magical can happen. How the world has twisted its meaning! How the King whose birthday we're celebrating is forgotten!
Anyway we girls had fun! Right?
Anyway we girls had fun! Right?
Christmas Musical Rehearsal
Over the past few weeks and months, we've been practicing so very hard. This is the biggest, most elaborate, most complicated musical we've ever done. And with that it was the hardest to pull through. On top of that so many have fallen sick and the bug spreads like wildfire every week.
Last weekend, we had our FULL DRESS REHEARSAL that spanned from 9am to 5pm on Saturday, and 2pm to almost 10pm on Sunday. Don't think we've ever done that before. Only one thing can drive a person to such level of commitment (and torture LOL)

(This is what people do during practice intermission)
Everyone is excited and geared up for the event. Personally I've been watching that I don't fall sick again. The whole town is abuzz with the news of the musical. Almost 30k flyers have already been distributed. There's nothing left to do but pray and wait for the day to arrive....
Counting down the days...
Dec 14th, 15th and 16th @ 8.00pm
All is welcomed! Come one Come all....
Everywhere else I turn, I see and hear a twisted reason for the holiday season. Has people really lost the meaning of Christmas. But here in my home church we remember and commemorate it. It's time we brought back the meaning of Christmas in all it's glory.
Joy to the world the Lord has come! Let earth receive her King!
Last weekend, we had our FULL DRESS REHEARSAL that spanned from 9am to 5pm on Saturday, and 2pm to almost 10pm on Sunday. Don't think we've ever done that before. Only one thing can drive a person to such level of commitment (and torture LOL)

(This is what people do during practice intermission)
Everyone is excited and geared up for the event. Personally I've been watching that I don't fall sick again. The whole town is abuzz with the news of the musical. Almost 30k flyers have already been distributed. There's nothing left to do but pray and wait for the day to arrive....
Counting down the days...
Dec 14th, 15th and 16th @ 8.00pm
All is welcomed! Come one Come all....
Everywhere else I turn, I see and hear a twisted reason for the holiday season. Has people really lost the meaning of Christmas. But here in my home church we remember and commemorate it. It's time we brought back the meaning of Christmas in all it's glory.
Joy to the world the Lord has come! Let earth receive her King!
Friday, December 07, 2007
I was introduced to a new steamboat place near Blossom. We went for Aunty Soke Fong's (Michelle's mom) surprise birthday, where there were more youths than adults. Nevertheless, aunty was pleasantly surprised (i think)
Here are a few shots from tables:
How to catch a prawn:
How to kill a crab:
Here are a few shots from tables:
How to catch a prawn:
How to kill a crab:
Thursday, December 06, 2007
Decorating the DIC
This morning (Dec the 6th, 2007), the youth headed to our Drop-in-Center (center for the street and homeless to seek provision and help) in order to decorate it for the coming Christmas Sharing Program. This being part of the Aspirers Nothing To Do project.
Sometimes when you leave people to it, you'd be surprise how creative they can get. With proper guidance, and the right environment, and the right attitudes, God can produce gold out of trash. That's one of the awesome things bout youth ministry. Life is just beginning for so many of them. They get to choose what they want to do with it right from the beginning. And even if they mess up, there's so much of life ahead to make it right again. There's us so much potential in a young person. So much hope.
Let's cut the stories and let the pictures do the talking.

Sometimes when you leave people to it, you'd be surprise how creative they can get. With proper guidance, and the right environment, and the right attitudes, God can produce gold out of trash. That's one of the awesome things bout youth ministry. Life is just beginning for so many of them. They get to choose what they want to do with it right from the beginning. And even if they mess up, there's so much of life ahead to make it right again. There's us so much potential in a young person. So much hope.
Let's cut the stories and let the pictures do the talking.
Wednesday, December 05, 2007
Jarrod & Rawlins
4 and a half years ago, 4 monkeys celebrated the passing of one phase of life to another. They monkeyed around, eat much, and promised to watch over each other in the coming years. Because they knew the coming years were going to be hard. It was a phase none of them were familiar with, and didn't want to travel at it alone.
Yet they were never more alone.
And so the years passed with so much struggle and pain. They had only a promise, a past, a bond to hang on to. And a promise with God is eternal.
It took time, but once again the 4 monkeys got together again to celebrate to passing of yet another phase to another. After what has and seeing what is. You could not put a price to that. So they ate, drank and were merry.

Jarrod and Rawlins at Seri Hartamas.

Where there is pork, pork and more pork. Meat displayed for the meat lovers. Like me. Makes the heart thump faster.
The order of the night included:
It was a night where we feasted. (supper at SS2 after that) The night was too dark and lightings too little to take any pic of the ambience. But we did see Harith Iskandar walk in!
So, who knows what tomorrow holds? The past makes us who we are, the present is a choice we make, and the future is but in God's hands. So in God we trust.
Yet they were never more alone.
And so the years passed with so much struggle and pain. They had only a promise, a past, a bond to hang on to. And a promise with God is eternal.
It took time, but once again the 4 monkeys got together again to celebrate to passing of yet another phase to another. After what has and seeing what is. You could not put a price to that. So they ate, drank and were merry.

Jarrod and Rawlins at Seri Hartamas.

Where there is pork, pork and more pork. Meat displayed for the meat lovers. Like me. Makes the heart thump faster.
The order of the night included:
nyam nyam~
It was a night where we feasted. (supper at SS2 after that) The night was too dark and lightings too little to take any pic of the ambience. But we did see Harith Iskandar walk in!
So, who knows what tomorrow holds? The past makes us who we are, the present is a choice we make, and the future is but in God's hands. So in God we trust.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
Farewell Hazel
Paul and Hazel left for Hong Kong today. It was pretty sad but I felt quite numb. Maybe too many people have left and I normally experience post-trauma instead anyway. But really, this leaving business is no fun for me =(
So yea. bye-bye Hazel. Be good! Miss us yea! But thank God for technology! I can almost just pretend you're just in KL and not back for that weekend or something. =D And we can still boogle!

While driving up to KLIA, I felt like I was 18 all over again with Lavinia and Derrick irritating me to death while I drove. The little squabbles and irritants brings back memories. I guess some things never change, even after 7years. What can I say?
So yea. bye-bye Hazel. Be good! Miss us yea! But thank God for technology! I can almost just pretend you're just in KL and not back for that weekend or something. =D And we can still boogle!

While driving up to KLIA, I felt like I was 18 all over again with Lavinia and Derrick irritating me to death while I drove. The little squabbles and irritants brings back memories. I guess some things never change, even after 7years. What can I say?
Monday, November 26, 2007
Special Lemonade
Got this at HongKong Kopitiam @ Jusco today.

If you notice, the cup is not stable. The bottom is rounded so that the cup rolls on its sides. (don't know how to explain this) It was quite unique but we were afraid the drink might actually spill. The frosting on the rim of the cup was salt! Don't people normally put sugar? Hmm... perhaps it was a mistake.

If you notice, the cup is not stable. The bottom is rounded so that the cup rolls on its sides. (don't know how to explain this) It was quite unique but we were afraid the drink might actually spill. The frosting on the rim of the cup was salt! Don't people normally put sugar? Hmm... perhaps it was a mistake.
Night at the Beach
As Hazel puts it, we were dead tired but we went anyway. Partially for Hazel, partially cos we needed to get away.
So there we were, stealing away into the night, walking down PD beach in the dark, bottle of wine in one hand and KFC on the other. Trust us to forget mats to sit on. But we made do.
We had it made. Lights and background music from a nearby wedding party, the sound of waves lapping the beach, the soft breeze that cooled the air, FOOD (most expensive beach picnic i've ever had) and most importantly companion. Actually, it's the FIRST time i'm having a picnic at nite on the beach.
Note: This is the best age to be at when it comes to friends and fun. *wink*
So Hazel, most importantly, I hope you had a blast because the rest of us did. =)
So there we were, stealing away into the night, walking down PD beach in the dark, bottle of wine in one hand and KFC on the other. Trust us to forget mats to sit on. But we made do.
We had it made. Lights and background music from a nearby wedding party, the sound of waves lapping the beach, the soft breeze that cooled the air, FOOD (most expensive beach picnic i've ever had) and most importantly companion. Actually, it's the FIRST time i'm having a picnic at nite on the beach.
Note: This is the best age to be at when it comes to friends and fun. *wink*

So Hazel, most importantly, I hope you had a blast because the rest of us did. =)
* * * * *
There's a chinese saying that says it's hard to be a human. You can't please everyone all the time. You can't categorize people either. And it's hard to find a balance. If you're not careful, you'd hurt some hearts. Relationship is like threading on dangerous waters sometimes.
How do you make amends or right the wrong or defend yourself? How? Where do you draw the line and how do you keep in check? What do you do when you hurt people you care about. Though you don't stand in the wrong, you can't explain to them why. How do you fix what can't be fixed?
It's easy to point a finger and judge when you're not in the position, when you're the one hurt, when you don't see the big picture. I know. Cause I used to be one. When the tables are turned and the powers are in your hands instead, how do you keep from making the same mistakes? What if it's not as simple as that?
There's a chinese saying that says it's hard to be a human. You can't please everyone all the time. You can't categorize people either. And it's hard to find a balance. If you're not careful, you'd hurt some hearts. Relationship is like threading on dangerous waters sometimes.
How do you make amends or right the wrong or defend yourself? How? Where do you draw the line and how do you keep in check? What do you do when you hurt people you care about. Though you don't stand in the wrong, you can't explain to them why. How do you fix what can't be fixed?
It's easy to point a finger and judge when you're not in the position, when you're the one hurt, when you don't see the big picture. I know. Cause I used to be one. When the tables are turned and the powers are in your hands instead, how do you keep from making the same mistakes? What if it's not as simple as that?
Friday, November 23, 2007
JoelC's accident
When I say don't play with staples means DON'T play with them.
But Joel Chong decided it was worth the experience to see what would happen anyway. And he discovered.... that his blood can really pour out like water. Yea, he stepped on them staples.
While everyone else panicked a little at the sight of blood trail leading to the toilet and blood pool in the toilet, Joel was calmed and even hilarious about the situation.
(in the midst of panic, we did NOT take any pictures, duh)
But here are some AFTER the panic was over:
So next time, when I give some sound advice, you might wanna think bout listening. =D
Thursday, November 22, 2007
James has arrived
It's time to tell the whole truth and nothing but the truth. For those who have been asking... This is the story.
Once upon a time I had Jamie. She was a sweet little thing and served many. Always willing to go the distance and try out different challenges. But maintanence was too high. And soon, due to age and other conditions, I had to let her go. With a heavy heart I bid farewell to dear ol' Jamie.
She was named by my friend, Valerie, years back. I've had her for 4.5years now. And now I'm giving up my rights to own this car. Sigh!~ Started the sentimentalism.
I have a pillow named "James" (given to me by my cousins) to accompany Jamie. Please click here for full story. (read under the header "presents"). So today James arrived - and they both moved into this new home.
Here comes James, the knight in shining white armour. Brand new and ever ready to learn new things and to serve more people. He is well loved and ever on the go. However, his exterior requires more care. He is here to protect and care.
The best part of the car lies in its tagline (found on the car's license plate). It's a phrase that drives the inner me and draws something out of me. Perhaps it is the very meaning of it.

Besides the sales man and my parents, these are my first passengers:
No, I'm not taking out the plastic wrap so soon, waiting for the car cover to come. Just in case!
Once upon a time I had Jamie. She was a sweet little thing and served many. Always willing to go the distance and try out different challenges. But maintanence was too high. And soon, due to age and other conditions, I had to let her go. With a heavy heart I bid farewell to dear ol' Jamie.

Here comes James, the knight in shining white armour. Brand new and ever ready to learn new things and to serve more people. He is well loved and ever on the go. However, his exterior requires more care. He is here to protect and care.

Besides the sales man and my parents, these are my first passengers:
Lynne's 18
Lynne's 18. My baby sister is officially no longer a kid though she still acts like it at times. But she is officially recognized now in the sight of law. And my parents are probably overwhelmed that all 3 of us are all grown up.
At quite the last minute, managed to persuade some of the youth to organize a pretty poorly organized surprise party. But since i'm lazy to blog about it (back blogging some 3 weeks later), pictures will have to do:

Two days later we headed to Genting to celebrate it with Winne. The food alone was simply awesome. Lynne had her first lobster ever. It's not everyday that my family take a road trip to anywhere for only a couple of hours. But this was one of those crazy moments.
At quite the last minute, managed to persuade some of the youth to organize a pretty poorly organized surprise party. But since i'm lazy to blog about it (back blogging some 3 weeks later), pictures will have to do:
Two days later we headed to Genting to celebrate it with Winne. The food alone was simply awesome. Lynne had her first lobster ever. It's not everyday that my family take a road trip to anywhere for only a couple of hours. But this was one of those crazy moments.
Monday, November 19, 2007

SEREMBAN: A 16-year-old pillion rider was killed when the motorcycle he was on was hit by a car near the Seremban toll plaza yesterday.
The above was reported on New Straits Time. However the facts have been twisted. In fact, no newspaper managed the print the correct story. So here's the real story. Read it and believe it!
On the 16th November 2007, two school going boys heading towards S2 on a motorcycle crashed into a car that was turning into the toll. The pillion rider was immediately thrown off the bike and landed on some grass. The rider was thrown 20 feet away and died instantly. Neither had license. The car driver disappeared from the scene in fear.
Here's the miracle:
The pillion rider is this boy, Nigel, whom I've known since he was 7yrs old. He survived with only scars, bruises, and a fractured collar bone. His friend died. Nigel blacks-out before impact and only wakes up after landing on the grass. It happened to be a patch of grass on a major road. 1 meter away and the grass would not have been there.
I know that it was the hands of God on Nigel that day. I know that God had been watching over him. To protect him and made sure things happen just the way it did so that it preserved his life was nothing sheer of a miracle. How awesome God is. There is no way to argue otherwise. He was released from the hospital the very next day - a walking miracle. Let HIS name be lifted up - He who rescues His children.
We visited him today. Besides a bit of trauma, he is FINE! These are things you hold on for life and it will shape your faith for the future, a foundation you can always turn back to, hold on to.
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Tiny Reunion
Today my college friends and I were suppose to meet up for lunch for a reunion - after almost 2 years. Everyone had been SO busy and these moments were precious.
Unfortunately, most of them were preoccupied with something else. So it was just LiLian, Hui Bao and me. X( I took the train 1.5hrs all the way up to midvalley for lunch and the same amount of time back. I had Pasta Carbonara at Italianese, The Gardens, Midvalley.
I feel like grumbling yet trying to be an understanding friend. But it's a little hard to understand certain things. Sigh! I guess everyone has different priorities and there ain't nothing you can do bout it.
I still think that people should make time to meet up before time and life really tears them apart. You never know when you need a friend for whatever in the future. I, for one, think making time for the ones we used to love, do still love, and will always love, a priority. But that's me. And I will hold on to it. I hope.
Unfortunately, most of them were preoccupied with something else. So it was just LiLian, Hui Bao and me. X( I took the train 1.5hrs all the way up to midvalley for lunch and the same amount of time back. I had Pasta Carbonara at Italianese, The Gardens, Midvalley.
I feel like grumbling yet trying to be an understanding friend. But it's a little hard to understand certain things. Sigh! I guess everyone has different priorities and there ain't nothing you can do bout it.
I still think that people should make time to meet up before time and life really tears them apart. You never know when you need a friend for whatever in the future. I, for one, think making time for the ones we used to love, do still love, and will always love, a priority. But that's me. And I will hold on to it. I hope.
the Hills have Eyes
Tuesday, November 13, 2007
I caught the FLU!
There's a flu bug going around town. People are dropping like flies. It's one after another. Don't think you're safe!! It's gonna get you!! Beware! Beware!
So it hit me quite hard. I can't remember when I was last sick. It's such a rare occassion. But since I don't like to visit the doctor or take unnecessary "rest" at home, I create alternatives. I don't see the point of visiting a doctor and paying him for telling you what you already know. =/
"Drink more water, rest more, stay away from fried and spicy food...."

Medical alternatives: Vitamin C (build your antibodies), pei pa kou (cough syrup), honey lemon (sooth the throat), panadol (pain killers for the headache and fever), 100plus (isotonic drink for the fever)
However, I thank God I'm fully functioning now (as of 18-11-07). Except for leftover cough and phlegm, I'm well. Back to business as usual. I SO don't like being sick and confined.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
Missionette's Awards Day
Missionettes is a girls-only club for children and youth in church. At the end of every year graduating stars are coronated while the rest receive their badges and awards. Stars to be coronated get to walk down the aisle and wear a tiara and all that. Some find it lame but it's a high point in a Missionette's life. Very few will understand this hype.
I grew up in Missionettes - as a Daisy, Prims, and finally Stars. We did it all and had our share of fun and memories. Some of which I think the girls in Missionettes today will find it hard to have. Perhaps.
The girls in Friends club (the new step above Stars) received their graduating rings. They are the ones wearing punjabi suits. Wanted to look happening I think. *hehe*
Girls Rules!!! hehe that was so 90s... I forgot to take pics with the girls that were being coronated. I'm not very good at this, am I? But here's me about 10years ago when I was coronated. Don't laugh!
I grew up in Missionettes - as a Daisy, Prims, and finally Stars. We did it all and had our share of fun and memories. Some of which I think the girls in Missionettes today will find it hard to have. Perhaps.
The girls in Friends club (the new step above Stars) received their graduating rings. They are the ones wearing punjabi suits. Wanted to look happening I think. *hehe*
Steph thinks she look fat here but I totally don't get it.
Girls Rules!!! hehe that was so 90s... I forgot to take pics with the girls that were being coronated. I'm not very good at this, am I? But here's me about 10years ago when I was coronated. Don't laugh!
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