Tuesday, November 13, 2007


I caught the FLU!

There's a flu bug going around town. People are dropping like flies. It's one after another. Don't think you're safe!! It's gonna get you!! Beware! Beware!

So it hit me quite hard. I can't remember when I was last sick. It's such a rare occassion. But since I don't like to visit the doctor or take unnecessary "rest" at home, I create alternatives. I don't see the point of visiting a doctor and paying him for telling you what you already know. =/

"Drink more water, rest more, stay away from fried and spicy food...."

Medical alternatives:
Vitamin C (build your antibodies), pei pa kou (cough syrup), honey lemon (sooth the throat), panadol (pain killers for the headache and fever), 100plus (isotonic drink for the fever)

However, I thank God I'm fully functioning now (as of 18-11-07). Except for leftover cough and phlegm, I'm well. Back to business as usual. I SO don't like being sick and confined.

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