SIB Youth Rally
2nd August 2008 (Sat)

Passion Conference
3rd August 2008 (Sun)
With Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio. It was simply amazing but we were sitting so far back we could barely see the people except what is shown on the big screen - like watching the dvd.

Book of Revelation with Rick Howard
15-16th August (Fri-Sat)
A different look into an old Apocalypse
Aspirers Prayer for the Nation
16th August (Sat)
After a week of prayer and fasting, the youth gathered for a time of prayer, changing our own perspectives and mindsets about our position in our school, our nation. It was the beginning of great things to come.
Church Camp 2008: His Presence My Passion
Grand Kampar Hotel
17-20th August (Sun-Wed)
(too many pics to upload. about 4GB and 3700 pictures to sort. so... i gave up)
I explained camp in a different post - sorta
Seremban Combined Churches Merdeka Prayer
29th August (Fri)
If Malaysians do not pray for their own country, who will?
30th August (Sat)
RKYC went to our church's Drop-in-centre in town to minister and lend a helping hand.

KinSang and Arianni's Wedding Dinner
31st August 2008
Klana Resort, Seremban
(more pics on Lav's facebook album)

This summary compilation is not working out...