Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Happy Birthday to Me

Yesterday I turned a year older. At 8.12am yesterday, the exact time that I was born, I was burying my head deeper into my pillow to try to catch another wink of sleep. I had been invaded by well-wishers since 6.30am (not counting after midnight's). Adults wake up way too early.

Filled with thoughts and hopes, I started my day. I guess I still had an inkling of the childish notion that today would bring sentiments that was worth keeping. Like a child opening his gift. But let's face it, I'm no child (I sense sarcasm in my readers. Chaco, I heard that!). The day passed without a hint of anything more. It was as any other day. Yes, this portion drips with hints of disappointment.

Boey and ETC reminded me, however, that a day is what you made of it. One wakes up in the morning and decides how the day shall be and nothing should hinder that choice. My smiley poster greets me each morning, saying "Choose Joy". And rightly so. I could have, and should have done something just a little crazy - as many suggested. But I did not. I did not break my fast and I did face my assignment. Sometimes I think I'm not all that capable of chasing the things I really want. People like me sit back and watch it pass us by, without an ounce of gut to grab it instead.

I miss Lav...

Lari did up a really sweet post for me which almost made me cry. I even received a present from HK. *sobs* I was sitting and watching it. Just as I wondered
if dreams ever come true, here sits something I've dared to dream but never did anything to grab it. Yet, here it is. The Chinese have a saying for this: "sam seong si seng". Directly translated as "heart wants, become reality" - what you desire in your heart has become a reality.

Nothing is impossible for Him.

I guess the best part of this day was God telling me that He's watching over my heart.

On the overcrowded corner of my dressing table.
The set is now complete.


poreiz said...

Really happy that you like the gift :) Was supposed to make you a card but...but...hehe! sorry ya. Miss you! Hugs...

Chaco said...


*innocent look*

hey! what about the makan at night time huh? You know I sacrifice my VALUABLE TIME to come hang out with you YUPPIES!!

she3p said...

OK..i must confess...i had my message ready and totaly forgotten to send it out....darn..
so sorry anne...!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! REALLY MY BAD!!!!!
i remembered on that day..mana tahu..forgotten to sorry!!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY! OK..pretend u're back to that day again..OK??:P

@nne said...

poreiz: *hugs*

chaco: this blog is about that particular day. so of cos the dinner of the day b4 is not mentioned la. but i DO appreciate it =)

sheep: LOL! thanks. better late than never rite?

Anonymous said...

Im BACK! U have all of me once again!! hehehe...Hazel!! Where's my pressie? or card? did u forget??