Friday, September 08, 2006

Once Again

Cell lesson today was about how desperate are we really? We can sing it but do we mean it? I know I'm guilty of not being desperate enough. I'd cry at the altar and my spirit is really yearning. But when the day continues... I don't get on my knees and pray... I guess I'm just not desperate enough to see revival come.

And this is my prayer...

Once Again

What do i have to offer my king
I'm humbled by your awesomeness
I've come to that place in my life
Where i see my drags and rags
and i need you more than ever
and i'm getting desperate

Once again, Lord Jesus
Fill me once again
Once again, sweet spirit
Stir my heart
in the deepest place
Once again take over
take control I pray
Once again, O Father, once again

Hear us once again

Once again pour out, O Lord
your spirit and your grace
Let your glory be shown
Once again we gather
to worship and adore
Once again draw men to you

Let revival come...

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