Down the Via Dolorosa, called the way of suffering
Like a lamb came the Messiah, Christ the King
And he chose to walk that road out of his love for you and me
Down the Via Dolorosa all the way to Calvary
Yesterday, we reenacted the journey to Calvary. As many begin to realize, it wasn't just a physical roadtrip, but one of the heart, soul and mind. Many begin to open their eyes and hearts to what the One whom they love went through out of love for them. It was a solemn night, as they reflected and challenged to live. It was a journey they had to each take alone.
Also known as the Stations of the Cross, the youth went from one station to another (covering 9 stations from the betrayal to way past the cross that calls us to commit). Every station has some props (visual), scripture verses (story), a few cards with thought provoking questions (thoughts), and a call to respond on their own.
If you're thinking of something thought-provoking and a fresher look at Calvary for your youth (or even young adults), you might want to consider this. We, too, took this idea of somewhere else... and it ran well with our group.
Aspirers, if you are reading this, kindly post your comments (feedback and testimony) about that night, so that people can see and consider this activity. Thank you!