Sunday, October 14, 2007

Back on the hill

Yet again I was rudely awaken by a 6.28am morning call. The hill awaits...

Another story about another saturday morning.

We had a bigger group this time. And I've learnt that if you walk slowly and steadily up the hill, it's not difficult at all. I can do it, I told myself. And I arrive up there ALIVE - and not half dead.

We met some uncles up there using the hoola hoop and this new thing i've never seen before - a 5kg ring of balls hoop. Esther tried it on for size and was a natural!

And as usual, they (ok we) are such posers!

We had breakfast after, and this cup of teh was just TOO cute:


Anonymous said...

that IS indeed a TOO CUTE teh ais! *hehe*


Anonymous said...

U STOLE MY TEA!!!!!!!!

joel chong