Monday, April 26, 2010

Silence is golden

Is silence golden or signs of danger? It really depends doesn't it? Does keeping quiet mean you have nothing to say or that there's no one to hear you? I teach classes and when I ask 'does anyone have any question', many a times nobody does. Does that mean they really have no questions or that they have nothing they are bold enough to ask?

Why do we hold back what we want to say? Why do we accidentally say what we don't want to say? And when do you say what you should and hold back what we shouldn't? Some people argue that they are direct and speaks their mind, but is that always alright? Some people defend that they don't want to cause trouble or are afraid and rather not say anything, but will that make it alright? I know extremes are never good.

Words are such powerful things. We have no idea just how damaging an innocent intent can be. We get so selfish and arrogant about our 'right' that we forget to have a heart for people. Is saying what we want really more important. In such cases, silence is golden.

But when do you find the courage to stand up and say something when it is necessary, instead of hiding till the storm passes. Most of us are too afraid to rock the boat or look like the bad guy that we hide and wait. Ignorance is bliss, we say. The storm will pass, we say. In such cases, silence is not golden.

What marks a good friend, leader, partner... is the wisdom to know when to speak, and when not to.

I'm just rambling.... thinking about a lot of stuff recently. Feels like I got so much to say and nothing at the same time. Much that should be said yet much that should not. And it's enough to drive a person insane.

1 comment:

she3p said...

i guess that's cause we don't seem to learn from history on what words have really changed the world...we lived too much in our own little world to realise that...this..has been some sort of problem in every society..asians in particular..