Friday, May 08, 2009

Reading Assignments

This is my first official semester (or trimester as it is called). I'm taking 3 subjects and my reading assignments are more than I've ever imagined possible.

No, of course not all those books. These were some of the books displayed during one of my classes. And I don't intend to read any non required books. This trimester I have a total of 6books and a bunch of articles and partial books to finish. (I guess I'm definitely going to need that extension with the speed I'm reading) One of the challenge was to source for the books. These are but a few that I now have.

My favorite book, however, is the penguin book. The pages are few, the font is huge, there are pictures in it and it's like a children's tale containing lessons. (like a parable packed with truths)

Well, at least I'll perhaps learn to speed read out of this. And of course learn from all the things I read. Nothing like being forced to read.


she3p said...

omg...reading.....??! Banyaknya.....i shud reconsider this...:P

@nne said...

u were considering? ehh tell me about it!!