This is my room. The only ventilation came from this window with a netting for the bugs. You can roughly see a backyard with a broken down but classic looking veranda. They children didn't take long before they were bouncing on my bed and introducing me to every part of the room.
Though I was pretty lack of sleep and tired from the long journey but this was my first day in Geelong and time shall not be wasted! There was a waterfront that I had to see, says Christina. Since she was the expert, it was there that we headed. The Doulus was docked at Cunningham pier - the pier we visited. We took a slow long walk down the shoreline - from piers to beaches to parks to fairs and all the way down to the promenade where people could swim in an enclosed part of the sea and where every plank was donated by someone in the town of Geelong (all the planked were engraved with names).
I have so many beautiful pictures of Waterfront but uploading here is pretty slow. I really wish to show you some of these pictures - it is in my terms serenely beautiful. I'll try to upload all my pictures on my Flickr when I'm in the city the next 2-3days if time allows it. People there seem to have a craze for something called the Bolok - timber carved and painted to look like human characters. And this, 4year old Ad absolutely had a fad for and had to greet each one with her golden touch.
We head home so that I had time to rest a.k.a. sleep, and prepare myself for the youth service. As adviced by ETC, I sat at the floor of my bed and asked that God would use my lips for Him - whatever He may choose to say I willingly lay everything down that to be an instrument of His. And with that we headed for youth service - Igniterz, they call themselves. It was a young youth group, the size of a cell group. The entire youth group (except for one), made up the worship team.
Note: The Savior King backdrop is the exact one I used for Rain Down during Church Camp!
I went up a little uncertain to speak. As I had already surrendered myself to the Almighty, I began to share my heart to them - to tell the story and greatness of our Almighty whom I love. I had the priviledge to pray for a few of them whom I sensed a deep love and growing hunger for Jesus. There was no great revival that night but I believe that God had used me. Although I felt like crap after it and could have done better, He assured me that it's not about what happened but about what He was doing. He showed me that like a seed, it needed time to germinate and grow. It was not about me, it was about Him. And so I rested in the Sovereign God, knowing that He will not allow His Word to fall on the ground.
Did I mention that I had pork in my pizza for lunch? be continued...
Next: The 12 Apostle that was not
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hey anne...
great to see u arrived there safely and in one piece! let ur hair down and enjoy every moment of it!
remember to say hi to the koalas, kangaroos and dolphins for me to ya! bahahahahahahahahha!
nice! to have the beach within walking distance (or so i assume)
enjoy yourself babes!
driving distance =)
OOOOOhh..Geelong..been there..hehe..
eh..go and try their korean food..and vietnamese good too ok?? :) enjoy........:)
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