And so I arrived at the airport and methodically checked in. At the appointed time I bid my farewells and head through the gates. As I arrive at the bottom of the escalator and stare at the wide expanse of space and the long row of auto-gates, my heart jumped. I was going to Australia!! My heart is finally gripping the fact. The fear and uncertainty of my 16year old past lept in and threaten to break the security and confidence that I had learnt to build for myself. No! I reminded myself. I'm not going to be afraid.
I walked through the gates and into the connecting train that brought us to the next terminal. It felt a tad bit lonely with so many other people traveling in packs. And that was when I realized my gate number was missing. After studying all the signs I realized that my gate was a new extension way back at the original terminal. *a moment to sweat* So there I was hopping back on the next train back to the terminal. I hope no one is observing me. It didn't take long after that to find my gate and board myself.
I did not get to choose my seat as the flight was very pack. I was placed right in the middle seat of the airplane - not a very favorable seat at all. But at least if the plane broke into half I'll be quite safe. I felt small and intimidated with having confident people who seem like frequent flyers on both my sides. Upon seating themselves they ritually prepared themselves - my right put lotion and tucked themselves snugly in to sleep, my left read their newspapers and plugged their music in... I could not figure out how to move my chair... I was missed by the airhostess a couple of time and I did not press to get what I want. The row-mate seemed quite hostile. Fortunately the big man on my left was a little more kindly towards me (i.e. switched his orange juice with me when the air hostess got it wrong) although on one occasion I think he smoked in the toilet. Smelt cigerattes.
It was torture to sleep while trying not to take up too much space or offend the space of my neighbours. The front seat pushed her chair all the way back and the back seat propped his feet up against my seat. I felt squashed. *squirms* Slanting my head to the right, and then to my left. The lady on my right slept peacefully upright almost the entire journey. How does she DO that? Time was dragging by. I can't sleep, I can't watch movie with the tv so close to my face, dare not on the light to read my book. Grr...
After what seemed like forever, one and a half movie, 2 chapters of Sense and Sensibility, no wine, and the worst back ache (that increased in pain the next day), we touched down at Melbourne Tullamarine airport at 9.20am. Weather was reported to be 16degrees outside and predicted to be sunny all day. Because of renovations we were guided outside, packed into buses and brought to the main terminal building. I stepped into the sun and felt peace. The heat of the sun and the chill of the wind immediately took any worry I had left. After the intensely long custom line (only 2 counters were open, and you thought Malaysians were bad), I was directed to yet another intensely long declaration line. Apparently the customs are very strict and everyone has something to declare. My fingers were red from dragging my bag every other minute a few steps. Finally my turn came to pour my things on the table. The extra polite and cheerful custom officer who talked to me like I was a teenager explained why he had to cut upon some of Aunty Pang's pack of chicken biscuits. Many people had passed me by as he sliced one packet after another. He jokingly showed his colleagues the biscuits and finally confiscated one pack. It had chicken bits in it and that was not allowed. He also called 'muruku' flour chips which I agreed. Well how in the world do you explain what Muruku was?
Over an hour later I finally met up with Eddy and family. They jovially welcomed me, chatted the entire way to Geelong while the children enjoyed the sliced up package of chicken biscuits.
yeah!! so you're in Melbourne now. So happy for you :)
I dare not bring food stuff also...they are very strict because if something breaks out here or in Australia...nanti wipe out whole place! :P
hehehe.....u cud have just kicked the fella in front..:P and u cud have just make a complain to ur discomfort la....they might just give u something to pamper u...:)
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