Monday, May 31, 2010

A hectic weekend

Sometimes i wonder if we're busy cos we have that many things to do or we're busy cos we choose to be so. some of us are unfortunate to be force into such circumstances, some of us seek out such circumstances - consciously or unconsciously. I don't like the idea that i'm busy or am known to be that, but i do fill up my calendar. (a nicely filled up calendar gives certain satisfaction) Is it totally wrong to fill that life should not be wasted, that there is so much to do? Ironically I don't spend as much time doing my personal things (clear my hdd, do my shopping, etc).

Last weekend was one of those weekends. It was busy yet rather satisfying.

A fundraiser...

A wedding...

And dinner with the gals...

I've learnt to pace myself and enjoy it at the same time. So why would u think i'm miserable because I'm tired? I'm just tired cos I don't exercise enough for the right amount of stamina. But the things I do makes sense. Has purpose. And how many people can really say that? Not too many right?

However, on a side note, I do need to start doing a few other important things. Note to self. You don't need to know exactly what though.

1 comment:

she3p said...

one of the saddest time is when u got so busy and when u turn back and realise that u dont really remmeber much that u have least for u..the weekend was eventful and satisfying..:)