Tuesday, November 04, 2008

My Cancer-Stricken laptop

The view of my monitor with a black background.

...My laptop is at the very end of his life. It won't be long now till he meets his maker. Or probably just disappear into the abyss of electronic waste. His cancer is eating away in his internal memory and on its body. Sigh! He has serve me well over the last 4 years - in ministry and in life. He served God well too, working into the night and daring to go places with me. He currently sits on a cooler, unmoved through the days, with a missing letter on its keyboard and broken display.

Even if these were his last days, I think that he would be happy to know that he has made a difference in at least
one life. Mine. Without you, old friend, I would have been so limited in what I do and how I serve. So well done, indeed.

But hang in there! I need you still...

p/s: Perhaps I should bare with his handicaps a little while longer. Perhaps I should backup my data and format his harddisk to improve performance. Perhaps I should care for him more diligently and take time to house clean. Perhaps I should just get a new one. I probably need to start an "@nne's New Laptop Fund". Who wants to donate?


she3p said...

mine's ailing too....need some funds too...

u made it sound so dramatic....hehehe..:P

@nne said...

look at how BAD my monitor is!! sobss....

Joel.T said...

indeed sad... =(
perhaps i can hunt a new lappie for you. :D
oh, and which button to click in order to donate? i click on the heart shape picture but all i see is the pic. =/ lol

elaine said...


Get one like mine! Dell XPS M1330! It's light and awesome.. but the screen is very small.. but there are bigger screens within that range.

Unknown said...

Cancer?? Oh dear. Won't chemo- or radio-therapy help anymore? LOL.

euniceta said...

The screen looks just like my old digital camera,Ixus 500. The only difference is mine has got a pink background. :).

she3p said...

heheh okok...i know..it's REALLY SICK!