Monday, June 02, 2008

Aspirers 25th Anniversary

Aspirers celebrated it's 25th Anniversary with a loud mark!

The youths put their hands together and really pulled the event to
gether. Our theme was "Lion's Pride" but I forgot Aaron's longwinded explanation on the theme. (we need a "Ask Aaron" section) The kids wanted to pulled on an elaborate jungle, tribal theme. (No, I don't know why) But let's give a hand to the wonderful work they have done amidst their busy schedule. *Clap clap clap*

Here is a short clip (part of) the introductory tribal dance which they did marvelously!

And here is a short compilation of pictures of the event in whole (which I put together for Agapeline). For more pictures, click here.

But what struck me most, was how much we have evolved over the years - as a youth group. And what remained, the same. I have a lot of thoughts about the matter but perhaps I won't blog about it. Aspirers remains dear to my heart in so many levels - memories of the past, revival of the present, and future expansion and possibilities. After so many years, the question is what did we make of ourselves, what did we become, how did we impact lives, and all that. In some ways, we must agree that today's youth are so much more vibrant, skilled, talented, passionate. And that's a good thing. It means we did do something after all. However, at the same time, many things did not change nor did improve much. And that's devastating.

But that can change.

I believe in making a difference. I believe I was called to do something about this youth - to build it up. I believe that youth can in turn make a difference. I believe that one day youths can run events instead. I believe they will be better leaders of tomorrow - in church and in the world. I believe that this generation can bring revival to the rest of our church. I believe that God is not going to leave us alone. I believe that Aspirers will grow!

And I will continue to believe. For years to come. Until I see it before my eyes. Who's with me?

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