Every sibling group brought something. We had ice-creams, marshmallow, fruits, cheese, cakes, sandwich, nuts, sprite and of course the chocolate fondue in abundant. Too abundant. Note to self: these two cells don't eat that much. Very un-youth-like.
The chocolate fondue (small portion taken out at a time)
The ice cream and nuts in view
Some chocolate fondue creations:
People taking a permanent break from the chocolate late at nite. And the view of the Chong's Christmas tree in June in the background. *hehe*
Besides being fattening, it was making people sugar high. Did you know that chocolate is prove to make people happy? I mean seriously. It's scientifically proven. Read here.
Generally, this is how it works. When our 'seretonin' levels are high in our brains, we feel more elated and ecstatic. 'Anandamide' chemical that is sent through our brain cells and breaks down between the cells causes the fleeting positive feelings. Chocolate contains an ingredient that keeps our 'seretonin' levels high and slows the process of 'anandamide' breaking down, causing us to stay positive and happy longer. That's why people can get high on chocolate. And there's a reason you're asked to eat chocolate when you're depressed.
I think generally sugar makes ppl high. I have 5 cone ice cream in a row (remember?) and I was high. gee... i just love ice cream, esp vanilla. yumm....
wah! The food there is very diabetic-inducing. Ours is normally savoury ... roti canai, fried mee hoon, etc - even at combined cell meetings. Chocolate Fondue sounds yummy! I'm salivating!
it was a special combine cell... like tat ony can invite non cell mbrs mah rite? *wink*
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