|NSP!RE session
"We need to teach the youth to pray," pastor says. Yea, I thought. I know deep down that that's the right thing to do. But I wondered how. It's hard for me to keep my own concentration while praying. How do I teach another to pray? I struggle with my own devotion time, I thought, how do I tell another to keep theirs? I know prayer can move mountains. I've heard. I've seen. I've prayed. But how do you teach the youth to pray?
Then there it was on pastor's table "Praying the Lord's prayer for spiritual breakthrough". Hmmm, I thought. I'll need to read that entire book. I thought I should probably be devoted enough. But I didn't finish the book. *grin sheepishly* However, with that book, I managed to produce the syllabus for a "Lord's Prayer" |NSP!RE session.
Response was overwhelming but it was the last day that caught hold of my heart. We spent some time in prayer - for people, for each other. As we earnestly prayed, I felt something caught fire. The youth went around praying for each other - those sitting for major exams - and they prayed for each other. sincerely, earnestly.
There is something... that cannot be explain... when people pray...
You know if you teach one child of faith to pray, mountains can be removed. When you teach a group of innocent young people to believe and to pray, nothing is impossible. What are the things that we are teaching our young ones? What do we wanna leave behind in their lives? We won't be around forever to guide them.
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