No roses or chocolates. No rainbows in the sky or lark singing in the air. The poll shows that Valentine's have truly become a day for business man to reap into. The notion of 'love' have also been distorted. How unfortunate! There are so many versions on how this day really started but I'd like to believe someone actually believed that love was worth celebrating. Yes, I'm a hopeless romantic. But I guess that guy never guessed that it would be what it is today. A day for overpriced roses and candle light dinner. A day for the singles to feel miserable about themselves. But I guess the guy that invented atom bomb didn't see how it was used to take the lives of thousands either.
No, i'm not being a sour grape.
However, my Valentine was spent rather differently.
It was Johanna's birthday. And we surprised her at midnite. Her whole family was in it but she managed to remain clueless. It was fun! Also joined her for her lunch and supper. I think we sang her "Happy Birthday" one too many times. How special it is to have a birthday on Valentines. How easy it is for her future boyfriend to remember. Haha!~
I need to occupy my mind and myself. And I'm glad that it IS occupied. Thank God! He knows what I need and when I need them.
Sunday was occupied shopping with the Louises at Nichii and Isetan, Bkt Bintang. As dead tired as I was at the time, it was actually quite refreshing. Reminds me of what I haven't been doing. I was suppose to go up to KL once a month to hang out and shop or something. I forgot bout that. Well I guess I could start doing it this year.
Note to self: Gotta take mom to Nichii...
Monday was occupied with my personal agenda and a trip down to Melaka just for Sate Celup. David introduced a new place which i DO love. And sate celup is sate celup - it rocks. I'm normally not that crazy, btw.
Makes life interesting, doesn't it? At least I think so =)
I'm totally missing Aspirers first ever Digging in session (a.k.a. discussion session) for a CNY dinner in Klang. No matter how expensive or big or important it is, Aspirers always have its first priority in my heart.
Now that that's settled, my mom's side CNY dinner was held in Crystal Crown Klang. Once a year I get to indulge in expensive food *yum yum* and wine... This is the plus of the dinner for me. I only wish I knew my cousins better then the whole dinner experience might have been better. Nevertheless, we made some awesome progress this year. As everyone grows up (marry, kids, paktoh) people have become more obliging and accomodating (I think).
I pray that doors will be opened. They are still my family. Regardless. And I know one truth: they too are lost without Him.
The long awaited webcam. Wohoo!~"Delight yourself in the Lord and He will grant you the desires of your heart." Psalms 37:4 - a reminder! And a video ipod (not sure what to do with this yet... I dont think I need it)
I've been sneezing so badly for the past two morning. Either someone crazily misses me (which I doubt) or i'm falling sick. But only in the mornings. Maybe the dust is settling in and messing with my nose. =P
It seems I keep going back up there. What do u expect? It's the most popular spot in Malaysia, the weather is awesome for a quick getaway and my sister is up there.
Anyway, took a one-day getaway with Callie David Eugene Johanna Lynne Florance Marie and Joshua Hoh. This group wants to play much to my dismay. However, it HAS been ages since I played. So it was quite fun after all. Put my camera to good use.
A few facts:
Did you know the cable car here is the longest in sout east Asia?
Did you know it takes approximately 3 hours from Seremban to Genting by public transportation?
Did you know you can get a bus + cable car ticket package to Genting at KL Central?
Did you know the indoor roller coaster thing had split into two during a ride and they had to put the emergency brake and go up to talk people into climbing down?
Did you know Genting Burger King is really quite bad?
I always wanna see a greater and higher purpose in every trip I go, every event I'm involved in. I just dislike monotony and meaningless-ness. Like King Solomon said in Ecclesiastes, everything is meaningless. You can chase money and people and position and materials all your life and still find life meaningless. I can't stand to live like that. I want to see a greater purpose and God's hands in everything. Good or bad.
This trip I had the opportunity to help a Taiwanese couple to buy tickets to Genting. Florance and I spent time talking to them on the bus on the way up about places to visit, things they should do, how to get around, and things like that. And I love helping people! And it's an awesome feeling to know you've made life easier for someone, that you've just been a blessing to someone, you've just been used by God (by using your hands, legs, mouth, etc) to reach out into someone's life. Though we went our separate ways later on, it still feels good. I pray that God will protect them throughout their visit here and take care of their baby back home!
It started out as a very normal and casual idea. Hey guys, lets play badminton tomorrow since its a public holiday. After making some very simple arrangements with like 5 people, I just left it at that. Contented I have something to do and WITH the youth.
When I arrive at Louis' residence, I was taken aback. The news had sppprreeaaddd.... The final count was 13 youths. How do you play badminton on one court with that many people? We started by playing doubles, then triples, soon it was five-on-five *sweat* Don't ask me how they managed. You figure....
We also played outside on the playground (cos the dogs kept eating shuttlecocks) with the neighbourhood kids. I think that was GOOD. i got my exercise with Vanessa! Thanks babes. My muscles actually ached after that. =(
Let's do it again soon. Yes it's been playing on my month for some months. And yes, I will think bout an Aspirers Sports Day. But no, I don't want to swim.
These youth are slightly crazy. But I think they learnt from our group. Cos our groups was kinda mad too. LOL!
After all the hustle and bustle, Agapeline is finally at the print. But due to some circumstances, I find myself standing at the publishing house on a public holiday, righting the wrongs. Sigh!
But on the bright side, I got to witness the process of publishing. Now that is cool.
First you check against the mockup copy. Convert the files accordingly and prepare it for print.
Then you print it on transparency sheets and cut them accordingly. Colour pages have for sheets (for CMYK each)
Then you use this large machine to print the colours onto the frames.
The rest of the process I did not get to observe. If I were brave enough, I'd have followed the guy behind to watch. But it's me! What a waste... I only know it involved water. hahah...
And Agapeline Jan 07 issue was formed: Note: to get a copy, please ask from the church ushers. If you are far away or not from Agape and would like to have a copy. Please contact me. I'll try to send a copy to you or mail you the PDF version (which is very big)