Sunday, January 10, 2010

Let Your Light Shine

In recent news, we hear of the arson attempts on churches in the country. News reached international sphere very quickly and all the world is abuzz. More so on home grounds - some were appalled and some were furious. Naturally. It was not our proudest moment. But it may not be the worst of things either.

While people are gripped with concern, fury and fear, churches joint hearts and hands in prayer that God would protect his Church and turn the situation around. We declared that our war was not with flesh and blood but with principalities and power. We fight not with fire but with love and keep our eyes on what's more important. We have an even bigger God and nothing is gonna undermine or change that. I know God is in control and this has not escaped Him. Hold on and watch the God's hands moving this situation around for the good of those who love Him and are called according to His purposes.

In Aspirers we declared that we will let our light shine. As we kicked off a new year for the youth group and a new theme that will inspire the rest of the year, we sang our commitments and purpose. We may be young, but we are not helpless. I believe that young people - these young people - can live their lives radically and differently to influence the world. We have a light to shine! And no one lights a candle and hides it under the bed. The candle has been lit. It's time to shine.

Regardless of what we feel today or tomorrow, we can rest assured that God holds our future secure. Will we depend on what does or does not happen to determine what we will or will not do? See... foundations are already being rocked and changes that challenge us to move out of our norm. Let us hold fast to what we belief and know is true. And let us stand firm and shine that light for the world to see.

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