I remember the days of slumber parties and luncheon meat and creeping out in the middle of the night to play. After a fight we'd creep back into the room to sleep.
I remember being gathered into the old library by Aunty Lim, when she prayed for us for the baptism of the Holy Spirit. I didn't receive it that night.
I remember Juliana, our Stars sponsor, brought us to Dave's Deli for our class. We were so thrilled to get out of the norm and I had my first lasagna.
I remember reciting 1 Corinthians 13 as slowly as I can on the night I was crowned Honour Star. I had to make time to my other girlfriends to change backstage. It was also my first on-stage solo gig.
On June 27th, 2009, Missionettes had its farewell. Calling back all its past girls and sponsors for a final bash - relishing the sweet times and crowning its last batch of stars. A fitting finish indeed. All pictures courtesy of RachelTD

Warning: the video is 17 minutes and might be boring for those who were never in Missionettes.