Monday, December 22, 2008

Aspirers Christmas Party 2008

It was hectic with a long list of things we forgot. But I guess that's how we learn - not through perfection but through glitches and mistakes. Don't protect your kids from the rain or they'll miss the rainbow. The mistakes in life is what makes you who you are.

Aspirers Christmas Party 21.12.08 - Kodak moment!

As I am thoroughly lazy to blog and/or upload pics of this, please refer to Lynne's for pictures.

Other than that, it had been a long weekend for me, whereby one thing followed another and another. I guess my body was screaming in tiredness and I eventually caught the bug that was going around. My fervent prayer was that I not fall sick for real. *sniff*

But never regret that which has been done whole-heartedly unto the Lord. Nothing is done in vain for the Lord. Man labours but it is He who gives the increase.

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