I saw a news on a show called 'Shuga' that hit the streets of Africa for the young. It was a modern, hip and realistic show about young people and their lives, set in Nairobi. It's an effort by UNICEF and MTV to tackle important issues among young people, especially in Kenya. It brought up issues about safe sex, HIV, lifestyle and so on.Read more here.
It became an ambassador for HIV and Aids in Africa. HIV and Aids have been a leading problem in Africa for years with no hope. CNN reported that many young people identified and related with the characters in the show. Organizations took advantages of the message of the movies by promoting that young people get tested right outside the cinema that opens this show and the response have been tremendous. Surveys showed that 60% of Kenyan young people are into the show and are really looking at ways to change their own lifestyle to lead a better life. It was a young people telling young people thing, and it was really effective as a voice among the young.
I was impress at such a conscious and effective effort to make a difference in young people's life. I applaud the effort and look forward to a better world. Perhaps this is really the change that Africa needed. God is still working in this nation. And He will faithfully continue to work in this nation!
I couldn't believe it. I looked at my car in shock. How could it possibly have happened? I stood frozen with my backpack and didn't know what to say. My colleagues were discussing it in front of me - what was the next best course of action. To me, I still just couldn't believe it.
So I just got back from a silent retreat, as is part of my course requirements. A 3D2N retreat at Fraser's Hill where we can't talk at all. Can't communicate in any way. It sounds like such a freaky thing to do in our age. How do you cut off everything and live in isolation for a period of time?
But it was rather relieving to just get away and not run after anything. To enjoy the beauty that God has created for us and to enjoy God through them. How cool is that? We should all get away now and then and just nourish our souls. I thank God for this opportunity. It really was a gift in this time and age when you can't catch a break sometimes.
Early this morning I was suppose to wake up at 6.00am for Morning Prayers. My alarm rang on time. And I rolled over to turn it off. Lying on my back I told my body to get up. I was all ready to get up and go.
Right about then, the whole silent world froze while time continued to tick by. Somehow I was completely unconscious of it nor have any form of memory about what happened. My theory is that professor X wasn't that far off and up to something in the mutant world.
Cos right then I turned to look once more at my clock. It was 6.25am. 25minutes had simply skipped by and I had no idea how. I don't remember falling asleep or waking up.
Later while napping after returning from morning prayers, it happened again. My alarm rang at 8.30am as planned. But a second look at the clock revealed that it was 8.55am instead.