I've heard about him some time back and even used it to motivate the youth. But it never fails to inspire me again. So watch the video below and be inspired!
So many times we focused our attention on our own needs and wants and lack and it really does make us more miserable. When we start to look within ourselves, what really did we expect to find? Something extraordinary?But when we begin to look out and beyond, and really hang our hearts on our sleeves, we find extraordinary meaning in the things we can do.
How long can I moan for an iphone or blackberry when there are many who do not even have telephone connected to their homes or that they do not have anyone who'd want to look for them to begin with.We must go, we must see, we must give, we must share, we must care. Then regardless of what I don't have, or what's been wronged me, or what issues I might have... it pales by comparison.
I've got to remember, as I remember my God-given dream, that it's not about how much I can withstand or bear. It has always been about Him.
The other day as I was having lunch and I saw this side book-stall (the kind that sells cheap chinese books which I normally don't bother to stop to look since I can't read Chinese). The front cover graphic caught my eye as it was familiar. Twilight! They're selling that cheap? They may have other favourable books then! So I thought. A closer look revealed that the familiar covered books were splattered with Chinese characters. Wow. They translated all these books? There was The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, all the Twilight series, and other popular books which I can't recall right now.
Yes it's another year. This time I'm not that excited. After all, my age is beginning to stare me in the face and scoff! And it's not that I feel old - I feel exactly the same - but the realization, I guess, is what gets to you. Hmm..
I woke up in the morning not know what to expect or even hope for. Not hoping for anything won't set me up for disappointment right? So that's what I decided to do. Woke up early enough, amazingly, and decided to take off early too. I was greeted by a beautiful sight - the sky was dotted by fluffy clouds that decorated the sky all the way to work. =) This may mean nothing to you, but it was a beautiful greeting by its Creator!I serve an awesome God!
Upon entering my blog, you should have noticed. I'm renovating at the moment so there's more to come. Please be patient as I edit the small details and add more tabs...
So a bunch of people traveled down to Singapore to witness (and join in the joyous occasion, as weddings usually are). It was a beautiful wedding where, as my uncle puts it, the bride and groom are very fortunate to have good friends being their kulis and doing all the 'running around' for them to prepare for this day. We all need such good friends who would take the time out and risk their necks and sacrifice having panda eyes for you. And this they did have.
So my cousin sister is married. Congrats to both Cyrus and Elaine and may God bless your marriage greatly as He has blessed your lives and studies and experiences.