Advertisements have, yet again, dominating the scene and competing to wish everyone in the most creative way possible. Although Petronas (by Yasmin Ahmad) continues to warm the heart and even KFC is picking up the trail (can't find it on youtube though), I think this year Carlsberg's says it most boldly as it sheds a different kind of light. It's been a quieter festive season this year. The Ox year has brought in more distress than joy as we forsee the hardships ahead. Carlsberg newspaper advertisement begs to differ, suggesting that "life favors those who see things differently". Perhaps so. Perhaps that's what we need. Chinese character for life is only one stroke different from that of ox.
Note: pics of advert unavailable
And though we are older and lazier to bai nin, CNY is CNY with its soh mee and bak gua, reunion dinners and overeating, ang pows and chor tai ti, catching up with long lost friends or family... It also means relatives and friends hassling you about getting married (or having children) which you politely smile to while hoping they will drop in a hole beeath them.

Here's wishing you a very Happy Niu Year!