Sunday, April 02, 2006

Easter preperations continues

For the first time we did a little preview in Jusco. What we did was radical and crazy. But it caught attention. I only pray that we also caught interest. God open hearts and open eyes!! We intend to storm Seremban with not just bright lights and colours and crazy activities, but with warmth, with love, with compassion, as little Christ in this town.

With the message that 'screams' at the end of the Believe narration:

Pilate: Just weeks before, those eleven men had been crying in locked rooms, too afraid to come out. But after the reported sightings of Jesus, they were changed! ... They became fearless, they became bold, and for the first time since I knew them, they did not seem to be afraid of death.

Narrator: What changed them? Why would they so readily sacrifice the lives they had fought so hard to keep?... The only thing which could explain this phenomenon was belief. A belief that went beyond simple acknowledgement of a fact. ... Belief is completed by the decision to follow.

The ONLY thing that can explain this phenomenon is belief. The ONLY group of people in the face of this earth that are martyred (die or killed because of their faith) are Christians. (we not talking suicide kay, we talking persecuted, killed, tortured).

Come and find out what this Belief is..... this Easter...

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