Monday, November 13, 2006

The Needle

I was all ready to stick a needle to my hand. It was a requirement for my insurance policy (some health insurance my dad got us to take) and I had been putting it off for some time. But finally I gathered my guts and took to fasting before the needle-poking-day.

I hate needles.
Did I mention I hate needles?

I sat there with my left arm ready, waiting for it to be over. Looked to my right - and there was a box of new needles there. in front of me were more new needle boxes.

It felt like forever. How much blood is he taking anyway? A lot when I later looked.

I slept the whole afternoon. Lost too much blood. Zzzz..... Is there any theory on this or did I make that up. But seriously I get drowsy and lethargic when I loose blood.


Anonymous said...

just to say Hi!
and a proof i have been here:p

hey..btw...people do get drowsy after giving blood and even for medical friend lately went for his medical checkup and fainted after his blood was taken. Not bcos he's scared of needles, it's just that i think too much blood from an early morning checkup i think...haha

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry but i don't think that you'll be hypovolemic (or faint)just by extracting 20 mls of blood. 2000 mls yes but not 20. ;)

elaine said...

i think its physcological.. :P I do feel funny after a little bit of blood is taken. :D

@nne said...

perhaps... but i was lethargic tat afternoon and i dun take afternoon naps unless i had a loooooong day or something.
