Saturday, January 21, 2006
Uncanny number plate

Friday, January 20, 2006

And so I did. (pic on the left shows my hair one day after perming) Cost me a bomb too. Took 4 hours to get it right. Four really long hours. And as I began to discover, maintanence is so so high. I had no idea it was so difficult. Mind you, I'm totally non-beauty-savvy. There are many things I don't know. Like what to apply when or how or so forth. I'm still wondering why the top layer of my hair is so dry and the bottom layer (under the thick pile of mane) is so beautiful. Someone help?
A lot of comments I got was that it was really nice. However, I felt quite insecure about it. Not sure why. Perhaps cos i wasn't used to looking at myself like that. Plus the extra mouse on my hair... well it just makes me feel weird that my hair felt like straw. But I guess looking at the above pic now makes me realise that it's alrite after all.
Because once I washed it, and not knowing exactly how to get back the above look. I had this fear that the perm will just go away after I washed it. But My hair now looks like the below. (Yea I mengada-ing) Someone told me I look like I'm trying to "fat hau". Just don't ask me what I was trying to pull... Cos I have no idea.

Speaking of new-ness. Lynne and I went CNY shopping these days. Yea in Seremban where else - Jusco lah. I'm an express shopper btw. Not your average girl shopping. I know what I want and I know what I don't. The only time I pause to think is for practicality and price. I won't try and 'fat hau' again and model. Save you the torture of seeing my lame-ness. But I'm happy with my recent shopping result. I don't ever remember being able to shop so much before. Thanks mommy for the bonus!! Hahahaa.....
Day 1: alone 45 mins - 3 item - total Rm100
Day 2: with Lynne 1hr 45mins - 5 items - total Rm150 (Lynne got 4 items for RM150)
Day 3: with Lynne - (to be updated soon)

Wednesday, January 18, 2006
The road less taken
I glanced at my watch. It was still early. I have just enough time to take a nap before I had to appear for my night shift. The sun was burning and I was glad to scurry into the tunnel ahead. A car drove pass, disturbing the few dried leaves on the ground. As another gust of wind blew it around, I stopped dead in my tracks. A chill ran down my spine. I wasn't completely sure why I stopped but I felt afraid. Not of the quiet streets or the darkening sky, but of the future - The unwritten future. I was at a crossroad - my path was bringing me to two separate paths, and I had to choose. I saw what each held. One was a path filled with everything a young adult could want. And the other was risky and lonely. What will it be?
I was just talking with my cousin, Eunice, yesterday. I chose the road less taken. But it was lonely. I lost things I never thought I could. I found myself no longer on any certain grounds. And worst of all, I just realised last nite that I'm not terribly close to any living soul anymore. And I wonder. Eunice shared what she had just learnt in Tung Ling (definitely not a waste eunice), about how a leader's is always lonely. Emotional attachments are not necessarily good when one is a leader. I never saw it that way before - I just knew it had to be. She reminded me of the prophecy and confirmation that God had given me just last year. Sometimes when you're sitting in the valley, it's hard to look up to the mountains and remember what it was like, or what you have seen. The journey upwards (to the mountain where the vision comes to pass), is so much harder. It's difficult to climb up a mountain while telling people to come along up (to see what you have seen).
So many things are uncertain and unseen. How can you possibly be sure that every step you take is the right step? Sometimes we can't even tell when God is chastening us and directing us. How truly will we know which is God and which is our mind speaking? Eunice reminded me to listen to the very voice of God. But I wish He weren't that subtle. Faith is a very thin wire on which we are all walking on. Sometimes it seems like we're grasping at thin air... but I'm reminded of a solemn vow...

"I've been to the mountaintop, and I've seen the other side,"
Those words of Martin Luther King Jr
ignited the passion of the civil rights movement.
His attitude of expectancy caused thousands to follow him,
no matter what the cost
- Minute Motivators for Leaders, by Stan Toler
Those words of Martin Luther King Jr
ignited the passion of the civil rights movement.
His attitude of expectancy caused thousands to follow him,
no matter what the cost
- Minute Motivators for Leaders, by Stan Toler
So many things are uncertain and unseen. How can you possibly be sure that every step you take is the right step? Sometimes we can't even tell when God is chastening us and directing us. How truly will we know which is God and which is our mind speaking? Eunice reminded me to listen to the very voice of God. But I wish He weren't that subtle. Faith is a very thin wire on which we are all walking on. Sometimes it seems like we're grasping at thin air... but I'm reminded of a solemn vow...
"You are my God my life my all
And I live for You alone I am Yours evermore
Heaven and earth will shout Your praise
The wonder of Your name
I'll proclaim evermore
-Evermore, Planetshakers
No matter what the cost. That was it. And I can't give up now. The 'Secrets of the Vine' series talks about producing more fruits than leaves. And it is hard to release those leaves so that more fruits can grow. What kind of sacrifice am I wiling to make, parts of my life that I'm willing to put down, things that I'm willing to give up and just let God? I will admit it's hard sometimes. When the insides of you long to hang with your own friends, and you know you need to get up and walk over to the other side of the room to talk to someone else.And I live for You alone I am Yours evermore
Heaven and earth will shout Your praise
The wonder of Your name
I'll proclaim evermore
-Evermore, Planetshakers
"God is trying to get more 'sap' to those areas that produces fruit
by cutting away what isn't necessary. (not always bad things only)
That involves surrender and relinquishment on our part.
And that's where discomfort can come in.
We're reluctant to lay something down
that feels important to our happiness."
- Day sixteen, Secrets of the Vine Devotional
"If you love earthly tings, you wander far from God-
the body wanders in places; the soul wanders in affections.
To love God is to throw off every spiritual weight
that will keep your soul from rising to Him."
-Augustine of Hippo
by cutting away what isn't necessary. (not always bad things only)
That involves surrender and relinquishment on our part.
And that's where discomfort can come in.
We're reluctant to lay something down
that feels important to our happiness."
- Day sixteen, Secrets of the Vine Devotional
"If you love earthly tings, you wander far from God-
the body wanders in places; the soul wanders in affections.
To love God is to throw off every spiritual weight
that will keep your soul from rising to Him."
-Augustine of Hippo
Monday, January 16, 2006
Secrets of the Vine
Pause today to consider how jesus responded to Peter. You'd think such grievous sin (Peter denied Jesus 3 times), would warrrant more intense discipline. But after the men finally landed their nets full of fish, Jesus invited them to sit down for breakfast. And after breakfast, He offered Peter the gentlest of rebukes. Simply a question - "Do you love Me?" (John 21:15-17)
...Commenting on Peter's restoration, the late Roy Hicks Jr. wrote in 'A Small Book About God':
"What breaks your heart and mine is being forced to recognize that even though we have failed Him miserable, we genuinely do love Him. We have failed Him - only to discover that He doesn't want to talk about our failures. he wants to talk about our love. "
How shocking it is to come out of a season of discipline knowing that God is more kind and giving than you ever dared hope and that you want to do His will more than you ever thought possible.
-excerpt taken from Day Fourteen, Secrets of the Vine Devotional
...Commenting on Peter's restoration, the late Roy Hicks Jr. wrote in 'A Small Book About God':
"What breaks your heart and mine is being forced to recognize that even though we have failed Him miserable, we genuinely do love Him. We have failed Him - only to discover that He doesn't want to talk about our failures. he wants to talk about our love. "
How shocking it is to come out of a season of discipline knowing that God is more kind and giving than you ever dared hope and that you want to do His will more than you ever thought possible.
-excerpt taken from Day Fourteen, Secrets of the Vine Devotional
Friday, January 13, 2006
Aspirers 2006

I'm truly excited about what's going to happen, about what God's going to do in us and thru us. I truly believe more than ever that something powerful, amazing, bountiful is going to take place. As we take a step of faith and commit ourselves to be His hands and feet to reach out to our youth, God is going to pour out His spirit like never before. Friends and family, if you are reading this, I besiege you to pray for us. Our theme this year is DARE. Dare to dream, dare to believe, dare to hope, dare to love, dare to reach out, dare to commit, dare to do all those things that we have always held back. Once we dare to step forward we will experience breakthrough in our life. It is that one step that we need to take and God will take many many steps towards us. Just one step for us.
Young man see vision and old man dream dreams. Let us than see those visions. God keep them coming. Put a fire in each heart that they may yearn after you. Yearn unceasingly. Help them to believe. Help us, the leadership team to guide them to realise those dreams and potential and talents you've given them. To be all that they can be in You and for You. Jesus, empower us, tear down any strongholds in our lives and their lives, build lasting bridges. Holy Spirit guide us, unite us, strengthen us. We are Yours.

The wonders of technology. I have uploaded the video promo and you can view it here. (you have to click on it to activate the video. will take sometime for to download the video first so pls b patient) The video is less than 3 mins long.
Monday, January 02, 2006
Happy 2006
Blessed New Year! A brand new year has dawn upon us. And for the first time in years I truly believe that this is a new year for new goals, new passion, new start, so many exciting and new things that is ready to pounce in my life. For the first time I believe that this is indeed a fresh new start for so many things to come. And with that I began a list of resolution - something I've never done before. Not in any order:
- Aspirers is to see new beginings, new missions, new growth and expansion, but and evermore increasing passion. So much plans and visions and dreams. Daring to believe and going forth with the confidence that God is with us.
- My own career is to head towards my destiny. I've already gone freelance teaching and it's not easy I tell you. But I believe that this is a step of faith and Jehovah Jireh - God will provide. One of the hardest thing I had to learn was to surrender my future to God's hands. (i've always been the in-control type of person. so its hard)
- It's also a time of reconstitution - to make ammends for my wrong. To bridge back gaps. To build back relationships.
- My spiritual life wants to move forward. Mature in the spiritual things. I've been blessed with many gifts and I want to use it rightly so. There's still lots to learn and I'm ready to enroll as soon as I can. God I want to be right for you, ready for your prunings.
- My personal life. Ready to let go of the past and open myself to the things out there - or even right n front of me. Ready to embark new adventures.
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