Thursday, July 02, 2009

New exercise regime

In view of the coming Gunung Dato climb which I have involuntarily get myself into (for the love of youth), I had seen a need for me to start exercising in a more convenient manner. City park is too far, too time consuming and too dependant on the weather. I had found myself giving one too many excuses not to go.

SOOooOo..... I'm starting this new exercise regime I hope I can keep to for.. well for as long as I can. How about 6 months for starters? And I can do it right at home, WHILE reading my book! How convenient and purposeful is THAT.

*I have no idea why blogspot automatically turned this picture 90degrees when there was no need.

I have decided to run.... okay walk 30minutes a day, 5 days a week on my parent's machine. I have calculated that at a certain speed and incline of the machine, I can burn about 150 calories (which btw is equivalent to 1 cheddar cheese or 1/2cup of vanilla ice cream) within that time frame. Not that I'm counting. I just didn't realize what these little snacks actually meant. Or how insignificantly little I'm burning a day.

So here's to better health and stronger stamina and longer endurance! As Catherine Rohr, founder of Prison Entrepreneurship Programme, had influence me during GLS2008 to remember.... *forgot* Well it was something about how leaders need to take care of their own well being if we want to be effective to our organization.

1 comment:

she3p said...

then u can go for another ice-cream..:P