Monday, July 06, 2009

Gunung Dato

So the day finally arrived - the day i sworn will never come. But as they say, love makes you do crazy things. Or a great sense of responsibility. Take your pick.

The path up was not easy. There was no dedicated path per se. Half the time you wonder if you're lost. Roots and rocks, logs and holes. (see picture) If anything, this will test your stamina. Thank God my group were having as much trouble as I was. If not for an over optimistic pretense (if you want to call that), I may not have made it. It was certainly a lesson for myself, in terms of encouragement. Even though we knew that it wasn't another 5 minutes away but the old trick of "just around the bend" actually worked. Food for thought huh? We are more able than we ever thought we could be, and encouragement fuels it.

I was told there are a lot of fauna to look at, but when you're huffing and puffing and everything's a blur, you really don't see anything else save the next step ahead. But I did chance upon a few things along the way. They say along life's journey, we must learn to stop and smell the flowers. Or in this case, see the queerness and creativity of God's handiwork.

The final stretch to the peak was the most challenging for me. There are three (3) batches of vertical ladder all the way to the top - each with its own sets of challenges. For me the vertical climb had me hanging for dear life and feeling ever closer to my Maker. Choking back tears and telling my muscles to relax was as hard as .. well it was just hard lah. Thank God for encouraging people around me who told me where to put each of my limbs next.

But it was something I had to do. It wasn't just because everyone was encouraging me to climb. But when would be the next time I ever climb this mountain? I don't see it happening in the near future. So I just had to. Sometimes you just gotta. Experience is the best teacher, they say. Was it worth it? Oh yea baby! It was exhilirating to know you made it. The scenery did not capture my heart but seeing the bunch of youth and their crazy antics up there did. Aaww...

I made it. We made it.

1 comment:

michelle said...

i finally dropped by to see the pictures! well, at least ur huffing and puffing along God's creation was worth it! =)