Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Object of Obsession

There's been many songs written stating that the girl/guy is the object of the other party's obsession. And the word obsession itself has not been viewed in a very positive light. And I admit, it is not a very positive thing. Every waking moment is spent thinking or fussing over that object. One can loose sleep and food over that one object. Priorities get mixed up, in fact one can totally forget one's responsibilities, obligations, and so on. Need I go on? We all have our own objects of obsession every now and then.

And to me, it is very real.

It becomes an addiction, an obsession till that thing is over. A book for example. I'll spend sleepless night over it. That's why I only read like 1 novel every 3 or 4 months. I really loose sleep to finish it. Or a movie (not so bad) or a series. If i ever get hold of an entire series, sleep goes out the window. The worst series marathon I ever had was Friends (season 1 till 10). (no wonder the eyesight). A game or even a hobby. A person is not excluded, of course.

My latest obsessions:
Samurai 7 Anime
Date: 22nd - 25th Sept

Diner Dash 1 and 2 (PC game)
Date: 2nd Oct till now.

Am I nursing my obsessions / addictions here?

Why can't my obsessions be on the right things? Lik obsessed with praying for the youth or the nation or something like that. Obsessed with learning maybe? Obsessed with God perhaps?

Spirit is willing flesh is weak. crap.

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